Some thoughts on MMA, Mixed Martial Arts

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) has become a very popular term in the sport arena.  It is where two individuals of similar weight will box and grapple with one another until the other is knocked out or submits to the other.  MMA is a sport and has little to do with traditional Martial Arts.  Many strikes and targets are not allowed in an MMA bout as they are too dangerous for sport use.

It is true that one can learn the theory and concepts of MMA at Monk Wise Academy, or any traditional martial arts school, yet traditional styles can never completely carry over to the MMA environment.  There is an old saying which states to get better at something you must do it over and over.  MMA fighters need to focus specifically on MMA.  This does not mean cross training is out of the question, it is supposed to be mixed martial arts after all.  Other sports styles such as boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do, etc. are good choices for MMA fighters for cross training.  Chinese Sanda is also a great way to cross train for MMA as it is sport fighting style that allows throws and take downs, unlike boxing or tae kwon do. 

Those interested specifically in traditional martial arts should avoid MMA training.  Many bad habits will be developed.  Self defense training cannot be made into a sport.  One can not learn traditional martial arts with all of its benefits, in regards to usable real self-defense, by training specifically in MMA.  How will an individual smaller in frame than their attacker have a chance if they merely try to box and take their attacker to the ground to make them submit or give-up.  In this type of scenario that approach to self preservation just will not work.

Understand that our intention is to educate.  As different cultural movements come about those who are not educated can make decisions based on what they think versus what is.  For example when kick aerobics and Tae Bo were popular we saw, in the self-defense industry, them being advertised as not just a great work out but that one could learn self-defense too.  Remember, The only way to learn a thing is to do a thing.  Many individuals came in looking for authentic martial arts classes only to realize their martial arts movement based work out program was falling short of empowering them to truly be able to defend themselves.  Monk Wise Academy will get you in the best shape of your life while teaching lessons in honest self-defense.

The Chinese Martial Arts have been a “mixed” martial arts program for 1000's of years. Utilizing circular blocks, direct strikes, grabbing, sweeping, throwing, joint locking, pressure point techniques, chi (energy) development and use. As well as utilizing the use of many weapon types. Being a complete system of self defense and not merely a martial style offers many benefits. A smaller, weaker person or even those with disabilities can use an array of time-tested techniques effectively to defend themselves and those around them.

At Monk Wise Martial Arts Academy we adhere to traditional values and martial teachings. Focusing on maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses, creating the ultimate training tool for any body type or personality. So whether your personal goals include; fitness, stress management, self-defense, or an enjoyable supplement to your way of life, we have the Program for you!

At Monk Wise Academy we respect and applaud all who seek to better themselves through aerobics, Yoga, sports, boot camps, boxing, MMA, etc.  And we ask that you recognize and honor those athletes who participate in such sports as MMA.  -One would be foolish not to respect an individual who is willing to face off in a closed environment with another individual and fight until submission. 

Be well.

Living The Martial Way

Monk Wise Grand Master, Huang Lien-Shun

Monk Wise Grand Master, Huang Lien-Shun

What is living the martial way.  Well that is truly a tough question.  We would bet that if you asked the worlds martial arts population what living the martial way meant that each one of them would give you a different answer.  Hopefully, though, the answers would not be too different.  

Here are just a few thoughts to consider while you formulate your own answer to the question:  "What is living the martial way".

Let's consider your overall health as a starting point to living the martial way.  We must start here for our health is vital in so many ways.  Yet how do we define health.  Is one healthy if they are merely “in shape”, and what does being in shape mean.  There have been numerous studies done on this topic alone.  For example, in one study Sumo Wrestlers were found to be in greater health than individuals who were considered to be at their target weight.  Not many would agree that a Sumo Wrestler is at his target weight.  The study found that the Sumo wrestlers were in greater internal health due to their rigid lifestyle.  They were heavy yes, but they still trained as athletes.  They ate healthy foods and exercised consistently.  Their diet was merely adjusted to keep and gain weight.  However that didn't mean they weren't getting enough nutrients.  We bring this up only to open you to the idea of honest health and not a photo in an ad or a false belief system.  Believe it or not there are attractive, muscular, skinny people out there who have high cholesterol.

Monk Wise Summer Retreat 2010

Monk Wise Summer Retreat 2010

Correct martial training should do one thing and one thing only -It should improve your quality of life.  If that means losing or gaining weight then so be it.  Monk Wise Martial Arts Academy has worked with many individuals who have had various eating disorders for example.  Some view an improved quality of life as having more energy, vitality, sharpness, and strength.  In just one month of attending regular classes at Monk Wise Academy we guarantee that you will improve in each of those areas.  Others just don’t think they can or they don’t believe they deserve happiness, health, or even to be content with themselves.  All we can say to this type of attitude is that once you enroll in our programs and start down the path it will be a full time job trying to hold onto those beliefs.  You will be challenged in every class.  In every class, as much as some try to deny it to themselves, you will have success that is measurable.  Old attitudes and insecurities will begin to erode.

Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere 

Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere 

Living the martial way is about acknowledging what and who you are in the present moment and then having the courage to improve that single truth over time using discipline and perseverance.  No one ever achieved anything great without great effort.  How can we view our honest health any differently.  Living the martial way provides a vehicle which one can use to achieve an improved quality of life.  Amituofo